minutes of 148th of the Governing Council of the IESL, New Delhi held on 25 Apr 2018


1. The following attended the meeting (All retired):-

(a) Office Bearers

(i) Brig Kartar Singh – President in Chair.
(ii) Dfr Animesh Ghosh – Sr Vice President.
(iii) Sub SD Sharma – Vice President. (iv) Brig Inder Mohan Singh – Vice President.
(v) Col Akhil Sharma – Hony Treasurer(N).

(b) Nominated Vice President

(i) NK Dalbir Singh Bhatyal – J&K
(ii) Brig Anandakuttan – Kerala

(c) Council Members
(i) Hony Capt Baldev Singh
(ii) Nb Sub Amarjit Singh Sangar
(iii) CPO Surinder Singh
(iv) Lt Col Hari Singh
(v) Hony Capt Shishupal Singh
(vi) Hav Thomas KA
(vii) Lt Col DS Salaria
(viii) Sub RN Upadhyay
(ix) Lt Col YS Rana
(x) Hony Flg Offr Nilmani Pande
(xi) Hav K Natarajan
(xii) Lt Col Loknath Sahoo
(xiii) AVM RP Mishra
(xiv) Vice Admiral Paras Nath, AVSM, VSM.

(d) Ex-Officio Members From State Leagues

(i) MCPO RS Yadav – A&N
(ii) Brig MR Nath – AP
(iii) Lt Col Munishi Ram – Chatisgarh
(iv) Maj Gen GS Jamwal, AVSM – J&K
(v) Lt Col CJ Ranade – MH
(vi) Brig BP Patnaik – Orissa
(vii) Sub D Kanagaraj – Puducherry
(viii) Col Bhag Singh, VSM – Punjab
(ix) Maj Padam Singh Verma – UP
(ix) Sgt PC Maity – WB

(e) Advisory Committee (Pension, Future Agenda & Development)

(i) Lt Gen V Chaturvedi, PVSM, AVSM, SM.
(ii) Vice Admiral Paras Nath, AVSM, VSM.
(iii) AVM RP Mishra.
(iv) Maj Mohan Kumar, Legal Advisor.

(f) Special Invitees.

(i) Maj Gen Ashok Kumar, MD ECHS.
(ii) Brig HS Kahlaon, DDG DIAV.

(f) In attendance:-
(i) Col KS Yadav, SM – General Secretary
(ii) Hony Capt Ratan Singh – Office Supdt
IESL Credo
2. The sacred lamp was lighted by Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL, AVM RP Mishra, Maj Gen GS Jamwal, AVSM, Capt Inder Singh, Col Hari Singh, Lt Gen V Chaturvedi, PVSM, AVSM, SM and Dfr Animesh Ghosh, Sr Vice President. Dfr Animesh Ghosh, Sr Vice President IESL read out IESL Credo and this was followed by observing two minutes silence by all the members to pay homage to the departed souls.


3. Dfr Animesh Ghosh, Sr Vice President welcomed members of Governing Body and invited Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL for welcoming honourable members.

4. Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL welcomed members of Governing Body. Thereafter Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL welcomed Maj Gen Ashok Kumar, MD ECHS and introduced the Gen Offr to the house and requested him to address the Governing Council members about the ECHS Card and ECHS related issues. Maj Gen Ashok Kumar introduced himself to the house and thanked all the members for calling him for interaction with Governing Council Meeting. Maj Gen Ashok Kumar, MDECHS clarified all doubts including new 64 KB Card of ECHS. He further said that ESM fraternity should not worry and his organization will take care of all problems including preparation of new cards. He clarified each individual veteran’s doubts with regard to ECHS and took three hours and gave his personal contact mobile number. Thereafter, Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL invited Brig HS Kahlon to the house and introduced him to the house. Brig HS Kahlon, DDG DIAV introduced himself to the house and thanked all the members for inviting him to the meeting. His appt is as big as
his responsibilities. His Dte is a single point contact for all problems of ESM under the sun and sky. His Dte functions 24x7x365 and the DDG is himself contactable directly. He spoke for one hour from his heart to clarify all important issues related to veterans.ESM fraternity is requested to visit his site (Dte of Indian Army Veterans) where all details are given. Genuine problems from house hold to Govt could be referred to him. The email Id of Veterans cell is armyveteranscell@gmail.com. Brig HS Klhlon further said that all info will be shared with IESL and IESL will further disseminate to the State/UT Ex-Services League and requested the ESM fraternity to help DDG DIAV to help the Veterans from exploitation. Brig HS Kalhon also informed the house about the various financial schemes under which financial helps are provided by the DDG DIAV.

5. Col Pradeep Kapoor, President Blind Veterans Association briefed the house about the problems/present situation of blind and disabled veterans and discussed the possible ways to help them in emotional adjustment in the society.

Agenda Points

6. Agenda No 1 to 3. Already covered at Para 2 to 4 above.

7. Agenda Point No 4 – Confirmation of the Minutes of the Business Session of the AGM/Council Meeting Held on 09 Mar 2018. Dfr Animesh Ghosh, Sr Vice President read out the Minutes of of the Business Session of the AGM/Council Meeting. There being no observation from the members regarding the minutes, the minutes were passed unanimously as proposed by Col Hari Singh and seconded by Sub D Kanagaraj.

8. Agenda No 5 – State of Common Membership. State of Common Membership was placed in folders handed over to the members and was also placed on notice board which was seen by all the members as confirmed by the members. Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL emphasized the importance of numbers and requested to increase the common membership to keep the IESL as number one Organisation.
9. Agenda No 6 & 7 – To Discuss Income and Expenditure of the Financial Year from Apr 2017 to 31 Mar 2018 and Approval of Budget for ensuing Financial Year (2018-2019). Income and expenditure from 01 Apr 2017 to 31 Mar 2018 and budget for next year were circulated to all the attendees and all the members perused the same. The Hony Treasurer Col Akhil Sharma explained in details about the income and expenditure. All the EC and Governing Council members were satisfied with the accts. Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL requested the members to see the election expenditure placed in folders and raise the observation if any. There being no observations from the members including the election expenditure the Budget was approved and passed as proposed by Lt Col DS Salaria seconded by Col Hari Singh.
10. Agenda No 8 – Amdts to Bye Laws for Election. Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL said that our Election Bye Laws and IESL Constitution is required to be amended keeping in mind the present environment and also some State Leagues have proposed the amdts. In view of the above we are required to constitute a Committee to study the Election Bye Laws and IESL Constitution and propose/recommend the amdts. The point was approved by all the members with voice votes. The President IESL constituted the Committee as under:-
(a) Brig Inder Mohan Singh.
(b) Col Shiv Pratap Singh.
(c) Maj Mohan Kumar, Legal Advisor.
11. Agenda No 9 – Wage Revision of Employees and Leave Rule. Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL said that no salaries have been hiked for last two years however, conveyance allowance was granted as per Govt (MOD) letter. As approved by the Executive Committee we proposed to increase the salary of employees by 7% (equal to current DA). The house approved the increase of salary by 7% unanimously and amdt to leave rule. EL will be 20 instated of 30 in a year wef calendar year 2018.

12. Agenda No 10 – Maintenance of IESL Building Viz Distemper, Painting and Doing up of Rooms. Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL informed the house about the condition of IESL building which requires maint viz distemper, painting and repairs. The house approved the point. President IESL asked Sr Vice President to prepare the estimates and process the case.

13. Agenda No 11 Modernization/Modification of Staff Office including AC’s Fitting. President IESL said that the Staff Office requires some modifications and fitting of AC’s. The house approved the point. President asked Sr Vice President to prepare the estimates and process the case.

14. Agenda – Extension of Services for Daftary Beyond 65 Years of Age The house approved the extension of service in case of Daftary by one year.

15. Addl Agenda Point – Installation of Lift. Brig Kartar Singh informed the house that long back we had recd sufficient funds from Army HQ for installation of lift, but we could not install the lift due to some administrative reasons related to civil works. Now we will install the lift and sought the approval of the house. The house approved the point with the voice votes.

Points from State Leagues/Members

16. Maj Gen GS Jamwal, AVSM, President J&K Ex-Services League said that now we should not worry about the pension rather we should think about healh, social security and living conditions. ESM fraternity should remain vigilant and ensure good social standing in the civil society.

17. Capt Inder Singh member of Advisory Committee Haryana Ex-Services League said that I am lucky that after the year 2000 today in 2018 I have got the chance to attend IESL meeting. Capt Inder Singh explained his sentiments that now a day’s Zila Sainik Board and Rajya Sainik Board are not working properly for the ESM community. He informed that welfare of Para Military Forces including reservation of vacancies for jobs have also been mixed up in DSS&A Board and Rajya Sainik Board. Capt Inder Singh also explained his sentiments about the present position of Haryana Ex-Services League. He requested that IESL should write a letter to Haryana Govt.

18. Lt Col DS Salaria said that earlier some amount was given by HQ IESL to conduct IESL delegate election and now it is not given. Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL informed that earlier share of membership fee was not given to the State and now 75% of membership fee share is given to the State/District League. The point was closed.

19. Lt Col YS Rana requested President IESL to write a letter to the State Chief Secretary to address only IESL affiliated State League. President IESL said that we have already written, however the point is noted.

20. Col Bhag Singh, VSM, President Punjab Ex-Services League said that a publicity cell should be created in IESL and membership percentage should be fixed to fight the IESL election and our constitution should be more self explanatory. Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL said that a Committee has been detailed to study the Constitution and to recommend the amdts as also how to improve the PR of the IESL.

21. Point From the Chair. Brig Kartar Singh said that Lt Col BS Dhaka as elected by Governing Council as Hony Treasurer could not join as Hony Treasurer duty due to old age. HeI requested the house that Col SP Singh from Meerut (UP) be approved as Hony Treasurer. The house approved the name of Col SP Singh as Hony Treasurer.

22. The house passed the following resolutions:-

(a) Meeting with Hon’ble Rajya Raksha Mantri – To request for
declassification of One Man Judicial Commission Report with regard to

(b) To work in advance to remind the Govt for revision of defence
pensioners pension in 2019 based on OROP notification.

(c) To remind the Govt about reservists pension orders and tables.

23. Due to shortage of time, pts recd from State League could not be discussed, though covered in general. There being no other points Dfr Animesh Ghosh, Sr Vice President requested the House to pass a vote of thanks to the chair and all attendees. The same was passed by the house.

IESL Election Result – 09 Mar 2018

Dear & Respected VETERANS,
You have elected the following team:-
President. Brig Kartar Singh (V) IA
Sr VP…….Dafedar Animesh Ghosh (V)
VPs Brig I M Singh (V) IA
Subedar S D Sharma (V)

This is to inform the entire ESM fraternity that in 54 yrs history of IESL JCOs/NCOs have been elected 
as Sr VP and VPs. Dafedar Animesh Ghosh has served for 25 yrs in WBESL & IESL in various capacities. 
Subedar S D Sharma has been Gen Secy of Bihar ESL for 15 yrs. Brig I M Singh has been President Punjab 
for one tenure and he is very enthusiastic ESM fan.

The team will work with full coop of all states and UTs Leagues and also seek coop of all ESM orgs of 
the country.
Yours own, 
Brig kartar singh (V) IA

Penury Grant

It is a happy news that the penury grant from non pensioner ESM and widows, that had been upgraded from Rs 500/- pm to Rs 1,000/- pm in 2011, has now been further enhanced to Rs 4,000/- pm from 01 April 2017. A copy of the PIB (Defence Wing) , Govt of India order issued today, 08 June 2017

The quick decision is one of the positives of both appointments of the RM and FM being held by the same person.

Do kindly disseminate to the maximum.

With best regards,

Lt Gen Balbir Singh, PVSM,VSM**



IESL/509/2016 dt 22 Sep 2016

Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad

Hon’ble Cabinet Minister

Ministry of Law & Justice

4th Floor, ‘A’ Wing, Shastri Bhawan

Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi- 110001



 I have the honour to state the following to seek your kind attention and domain indulgence in resolving the impasse which is seriously affecting the administration of justice to the Military personnel and their dependents through Armed Forces Tribunals. The same has presently arisen due to non-availability of Judicial Members in the said Tribunals.

  1. It is submitted that out of the 17 Benches in the country only five (5) are at present functional. The Armed Forces Tribunal (Principal Bench) at R K Puram New Delhi with its Chairperson is authorised three Benches. Presently the organisation is headless as ideally much desired Chairperson with two other Judicial Members are not posted. Make shift arrangements of calling judicial members from distant benches of the said Tribunals to hold court at the Principal bench at Delhi has not been able to cope up the piling up of cases satisfactorily.
  1. A large number of cases relating to service matters of the members of the Armed Forces of the Union of India are pending for a long time. A matter filed on 23 Aug 2016 with prayer for interim relief by an aggrieved member of the Armed forces and listed thrice since then could not be heard as the concerned Bench has been non-functional due to non-availability of the Judicial member on the last three dates of hearing when the said matter was listed. Imagine the frustration of an aggrieved petitioner whose prayer for interim relief since 23 Aug 2016 has been in vain due to no fault on his part. The very object of constituting these independent adjudicatory forums for the defence personnel to ensure speedy deliverance of justice has thus come to a naught. The aforesaid situation has resulted in denial of timely justice to serving service personnel, ex-servicemen, disabled soldiers and war widows. The existing system of administration of justice in the Armed Forces provides for submission of statutory complaints against grievance relating to service matters and pre and post confirmation petitions to the prescribed competent authorities against the findings and sentences of court martial. The nature of grievances is such that unless resolved in a time bound manner their essence and consequent relief is rendered ineffective. Timely relief therefore is of paramount importance.
  1. I, being a responsible member of the Supreme court and High court bars also take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice another very serious anomaly which has crept in the form of lack of an effective remedy of judicial review over the orders passed by the Armed Forces Tribunals thereby making it the first and the last court of appeal for litigants. Though an appeal on “points of law” or “of general public importance” or on matters which the Supreme Court considers so exceptional that the Apex court of the land ought to hear them, has been provided in the form of Section 31 of the AFT Act, 2007. It was reasonably expected that all other issues could be challenged before the High court in view of the facts that the powers of the High Court under Article 226 and 227 were preserved by Section 14 of the AFT Act, 2007. The Parliamentary Committee which has examined Section 31 of the AFT Act, 2007 has itself recommended Judicial Review by high Courts (Para 90 of Parliamentary standing committee on defence, 18 report, Lok Sabha, 2012-2013 refers). The same was also in line with the law laid down by the constitutional bench of the Supreme court in L Chander Kumar versus U.O.I. and Ors, (1997) 3 SCC 261 and the three Judge Bench in Colombia Sportswear Company versus DIT, (2012) 1 SCC 224. In any case 99.9% of the cases before AFT are matter personal to the litigants and seldom of general public importance. Whereas the High Court’s continued to entertain the writs against the AFT order, the situation changed after a plea to the effect filed by the Ministry of Defence which was later allowed. The same has potentially left litigants without cost effective remedy. On one hand there is minimal scope of appeal in Supreme court on the other Hand it is well known that defence personal, Ex-Servicemen, disabled soldiers and their families can hardly afford to approach the Supreme court from remote places thereby not only making justice inaccessible and unaffordable, but also reducing the Supreme court into the first appellate court for such routine and mundane service matters as specifically deprecated in L Chander Shekar’s case. The central government has thus completely ignored the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence, 18 report, Lok Sabha, 2012-2013 made in Para 90 which itself had approved Section 31 with a Caveat that challenges would still lie before the High Court as per L Chander Shaker’s case and also has not yet acted upon a similar recommendation contained in Para 7.14 of the report of the high level committee of experts on litigation constituted by Ministry of Defence (2015) which has also favoured jurisdiction with the High Court. It may also be recalled that while for the defence community, the AFT is the first and the last court, their exactly similarly placed counterparts can conveniently challenge the orders of the Central Administrative Tribunal before the High Court’s within their own states and then also approach the Supreme court in case they are dissatisfied. It is ironical to expact a disabled soldier or a widow in Kerala or Manipur to approach the Supreme court concerning his or her case involving meagre sums and then try to prove that the case involves a point of law of general public importance. It may therefore be seen that whereas the civilians get a three tier system of justice and judicial review, the Military counterparts are encumbered with only the AFT which is practically the court of first as also the last resort.
  1. Finally, I would like to bring to your notice that in the month of Sep 2016 no court in AFT (PB) 1, 2 and 3 is fully functional. Cause list of Court No. 1, 2 and 3 for the whole month says in the beginning “This Bench will not Assemble Today”, the pending cases as well as cases for admissions are adjourned indefinitely. As a responsible member of the bar as well as holding an office of trust in the service of ex-servicemen, it is my solemn duty to bring this to your kind notice that if the appointment of the Judicial Members is kept pending for long, it will perpetuate injustice. The Petitioners will continue to suffer with no hope of redressal of their grievance. I, therefore respectfully appeal to you to safeguard the Soldier’s interest by providing timely remedy. This would be possible if your august office takes stock of the situation and steps in immediately to resuscitate the comatose AFT by appointing Judicial Members without any further delay. In the facts and circumstances submitted herein above a rethink and reconsideration of Section 31 of the AFT Act is also strongly recommended to provide equal opportunity of judicial review to the members of the Armed Forces.

Yours sincerely,

Lt Gen (Dr) Balbir Singh, PVSM, VSM** (Retd)



IESL/509/2016                                                          22        Sep 2016

Hon’ble Justice Mr. T S Thakur

Chief Justice of India

Supreme Court of India

New Delhi



  1. I have the honour to state the following to seek your kind attention and hierarchical indulgence in resolving the impasse which is seriously affecting the administration of justice to the Military personnel and their dependents through Armed Forces Tribunals. The same has presently arisen due to non-availability of Judicial Members in the said Tribunals.
  2. It is submitted that out of the 17 Benches in the country only five (5) are at present functional. The Armed Forces Tribunal (Principal Bench) at R K Puram New Delhi with its Chairperson is authorised three Benches. Presently the organisation is headless as ideally much desired Chairperson with two other Judicial Members are not posted.

3 A large number of cases relating to service matters of the members of the Armed Forces of the Union of India are pending for a long time. A matter filed on 23 Aug 2016 with prayer for interim relief by an aggrieved member of the Armed forces and listed thrice since then could not be heard as the concerned Bench has been non-functional due to non-availability of the Judicial member on the last three dates of hearing when the said matter was listed. Imagine the frustration of an aggrieved petitioner whose prayer for interim relief since 23Aug 2016 has been in vain due to no fault on his part. The very object of constituting these independent adjudicatory forums for the defence personnel to ensure speedy deliverance of justice has thus come to naught. The aforesaid situation has resulted in denial of timely justice to serving service personnel, ex-servicemen, disabled soldiers and war widows. The existing system of administration of justice in the Armed Forces provides for submission of statutory complaints against grievance relating to service matters and pre and post confirmation petitions to the prescribed competent authorities against the findings and sentences of court martial. The nature of grievances is such that unless resolved in a time bound manner their essence and consequent relief is rendered ineffective. Timely relief therefore is of paramount importance.

4, being a responsible member of the Supreme court bar also take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice another very serious anomaly which has crept in the form of lack of an effective remedy of judicial review over the orders passed by the Armed Forces Tribunals thereby making it the first and the last court of appeal for litigants. Though an appeal on “points of law” or “of general public importance” or on matters which the Supreme Court considers so exceptional that the Apex court of the land ought to hear them, has been provided in the form of Section 31 of the AFT Act, 2007. It was reasonably expected that all other issues could be challenged before the High court in view of the facts that the powers of the High Court under Article 226 and 227 were preserved by Section 14 of the AFT Act, 2007. The Parliamentary Committee which has examined Section 31 of the AFT Act, 2007 has itself recommended Judicial Review by high Courts (Para 90 of Parliamentary standing committee on defence, 18 report, Lok Sabha, 2012-2013 refers). The same was also in line with the law laid down by the constitutional bench of the Supreme court in L Chander Kumar versus U.O.I. and Ors, (1997) 3 SCC 261 and the three Judge Bench in Colombia Sportswear Company versus DIT, (2012) 1 SCC 224. In any case 99.9% of the cases before AFT are matter personal to the litigants and seldom of general public importance. Whereas the High Court’s continued to entertain the writs against the AFT order, the situation changed after a plea to the effect filed by the Ministry of Defence which was later allowed. The same has potentially left litigants without cost effective remedy. On one hand there is minimal scope of appeal in Supreme court on the other Hand it is well known that defence personal, Ex-Servicemen, disabled soldiers and their families can hardly afford to approach the Supreme court from remote places thereby not only making justice inaccessible and unaffordable, but also reducing the Supreme court into the first appellate court for such routine and mundane service matters as specifically deprecated in L Chander Shekar’s case. The central government has thus completely ignored the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence, 18 report, Lok Sabha, 2012-2013 made in Para 90 which itself had approved Section 31 with a Caveat that challenges would still lie before the High Court as per L Chander Shaker’s case and also has not yet acted upon a similar recommendation contained in Para 7.14 of the report of the high level committee of experts on litigation constituted by Ministry of Defence (2015) which has also favoured jurisdiction with the High Court. It may also be recalled that while for the defence community, the AFT is the first and the last court, there exactly similarly placed counterparts can conveniently challenge the orders of the Central Administrative Tribunal before the High Court’s within their own states and then also approach the Supreme court in case they are dissatisfied. It is ironical to imagine a disabled soldier or a widow in Kerala or Manipur to approach the Supreme Court concerning his or her case involving meagre sums and then try to prove that the case involves a point of law of general public importance. It may therefore be seen that whereas the civilians get a three tier system of justice and judicial review, the Military counterparts are encumbered with only the AFT which is practically the court of first as also the last resort.

5 Finally, I would like to bring to your notice that in the month of Sep 2016 no court in AFT (PB) 1, 2and 3 is fully functional. Cause list of Court No. 1, 2 and 3 for the whole month says in the beginning “This Bench will not Assemble Today”, the pending cases as well as cases for admissions are adjourned indefinitely. As a responsible member of the bar as well as holding an office of trust in the service of ex-servicemen, it is my solemn duty to bring this to your kind notice that if the appointment of the Judicial Members is kept pending, it will perpetuate injustice. The Petitioners will continue to suffer with no hope of redressal of their grievance. I, therefore respectfully appeal to you to safeguard the Soldier’s interest by providing timely remedy. This would be possible if your august office prevails upon the powers

that be to take necessary steps to resuscitate the comatose AFT by urging the Govt. to appoint Judicial Members without any further delay. In the facts and circumstances submitted herein above a rethink and reconsideration of Section 31 of the AFT Act is also mandated.

Yours sincerely,

Lt Gen (Dr) Balbir Singh, PVSM, VSM** (Retd)



Meeting With Chief Of Air Staff



1.         Delegation of IESL led by  Lt  Gen Balbir Singh, PVSM,VSM** President Indian Ex-Services League,

2.         Comprising of the following called on  Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha, PVSM,AVSM,VM,ADC Chief of the Air Staff, and Chairman Joint Chief of |Staff Committee on 26 Sep 2016 on the occasion of Ex-Servicemen Week:-

Lt Gen R C Chaturvedi, PVSM,AVSM,SM

AVM R P Mishra

Vice Admiral Paras Nath, AVSM,VSM

Brig Kartar Singh

3.         The following important issues were discussed:-

a)       NFU (Non-Functional Up gradation)

b)      MSP (Military Service Pay).  MSP for JCO’s should be enhanced as they         perform higher leadership     roles and are a link between officers and men. Recommend JCO’s MSP as Rs 10,500/-. The MSP for MNS may be raised to Rs 11,500/-. MSP should be applicable to all ranks including Generals.

c).         Disparity in allocation per capita – CGHS vis a vis ECHS & Disability Pension.

d)         Reservists pension be increased equal to Sepoy of 15 years service.

e)         Lateral placement of JCOs and ORs on retirement.

f)          Fixation of pension after OROP  at 2.57.

g)        Financial benefits and concessions to Police Gallantry Medal are higher than SM/NM/VM (Gallantry).  Though Police Medal is lower in precedence.

h)          Stoppage of liquor quota to BIHAR ex-servicemen by State Govt.


4.         Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee conveyed felicitations on the occasion and assured the Delegation that the issues would be progressed




K S Yadav


Gen Secy

Meeting With Chief of the Naval Staff

1.         Delegation of IESL led by  Lt  Gen Balbir Singh, PVSM,VSM** President Indian Ex-Services League,

2.         Comprising of the following called on  Admiral Sunil lanba,PVSM,AVSM,ADC Chief of the Naval Staff, on 26 Sep 2016 on the occasion of Ex-Servicemen Week:-

Lt Gen R C Chaturvedi, PVSM,AVSM,SM

AVM R P Mishra

Vice Admiral Paras Nath, AVSM,VSM

Brig Kartar Singh

3.         The following important issues were discussed:-

a)       NFU (Non-Functional Up gradation)

b)      MSP (Military Service Pay).  MSP for JCO’s should be enhanced as they         perform higher leadership     roles and are a link between officers and men. Recommend JCO’s MSP as Rs 10,500/-. The MSP for MNS may be raised to Rs 11,500/-. MSP should be applicable to all ranks including Generals.

c).         Disparity in allocation per capita – CGHS vis a vis ECHS & Disability Pension.

d)         Reservists pension be increased equal to Sepoy of 15 years service.

e)         Lateral placement of JCOs and ORs on retirement.

f)          Fixation of pension after OROP  at 2.57.

g)        Financial benefits and concessions to Police Gallantry Medal are higher than SM/NM/VM (Gallantry).  Though Police Medal is lower in precedence.

h)          Stoppage of liquor quota to BIHAR ex-servicemen by State Govt.


4.         The Chief of the Naval Staff  conveyed felicitation  on the occasion of Ex-Servicemen Week and assured the Delegation of progressing the  above issues




Fixation of Pension of Defence Pensioners Post 7th CPC

Letter No.IESL/OROP/2016 dt 14 Sep 2016 address to Shri Narendra Modi Ji, Hon’ble Prime Minster of India :-


Shri Narendra Modi Ji

Hon’ble Prime Minister of India

PMO South Block New Delhi


  1. I am approaching you on behalf of all the Ex-Servicemen (ESM) for an issue which is of utmost importance and affects the population which is most dearest to you.
  2. Let me at the outset, convey my sincere thanks to you Sir, for grant of OROP to the Defence Forces and thus giving them redress for the injustice done to them for over 40 years.  There are a few issues which are still left, and I am sure the One Man Judicial Commission (OMJC) appointed by the Govt will resolve these also.
  3. As for the fixation of pension for Defence Veterans, it is learnt that the view for transition of Pensioners (Post OROP) in the Govt is that the Pension as on 01 Jan 2006 (duly corrected to Sept 2012 less OROP) will be multiplied by the factor of 2.57 (as recommended by 7th CPC) to arrive at the pension of Defence Personnel post 7th CPC.  This will result in a major anomaly as it will be less than the pension post OROP and will amount to no benefit to most of the ESM.  This is not fair as the benefit of OROP, given by your Govt as a major benefit will not be passed on to the Veterans.
  4. The Veterans look upto you and the leadership of your Govt to intervene and ensure that the benefit of OROP are also passed on to the ESM post 7th CPC award.  This implies that pension post OROP be multiplied by the factor of 2.57 to arrive at the new pension in 7th CPC.
  5. Since presently, the equalization is to take place in OROP implementation, after five years, the next equalization may thereafter take place on 01 Jan 2021 (i.e. after five years of implementation of 7th CPC).  This will resolve the issue for ever as the CPC dates (after 10 Years) shall always coincide with the OROP implementation date in future.  This will go a long way to assuage the feelings of all the veterans.
  6. Sir, this is a very serious issue which is a cause of serious concern for all the ESM, as presently the feeling and perception is that they are not getting the benefit of 7th CPC award.  This perception needs to be corrected, for which all the Veterans look upto their most revered Prime Minister for resolution and justice.  The intention of 7th CPC was also the same as can be seen from the illustration given at Paras 10.2.89 and 10.2.90 of the 7th CPC Report.  The OROP is an additional benefit given to the Defence Veterans to redress the injustice done in 1973 and therefore, must be passed on alongwith 7th CPC Award.  I am more than confident that you will give your valued consideration to this important issue and ensure that the OROP pension is multiplied by the accepted factor of 2.57 in case of ESM, till such time the Committee of Secretaries headed by Finance Secretary gives its recommendations for implementing the incremental method of fixation of pension as recommended by 7th CPC.
  7. May I request the Hon’ble Prime Minister for a confirmation/announcement for the above?  This will set at rest the rising speculations and consternation amongst the Veterans.

Lt Gen (Dr) Balbir Singh, PVSM, VSM**

President Indian Ex-Services League


Copy to

Shri Manohar Parrikar Ji- For perusal please.

Hon’ble Raksha Mantri

Govt of India

South Block

New Delhi

Gen (Dr) VK Singh, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM- For perusal please.

Hon’ble Minister of State

External Affairs Ministery

Govt of India

South Block, New Delhi

letter to Manohar Parrikar, Hon’ble Defence Minister of India on 10 Aug 2016

IESL/353/OROP/2016dt 10August 2016

Shri Manohar Parrikar

Hon’ble Defence Minister of India

Government of India

Ministry of Defence

South Block, New Delhi-110011

  1. Kindly refer Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare D (Pension/Policy) dated 20 July 2016(Copy enclosed for ready reference).
  2. The is to bring to your kind notice, a grave inaccuracy that has been inserted in the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the above letter.  The main purpose of appointing the One Man Judicial Committee was to go into the core anomalies that came up after the Press Statement issued during the Press briefing on 05th Sept 2015 and in the letter No 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)-Part-II dated 07 Nov 2015.
  3. The core Anomalies enunciated are:-

(a)Definition of OROP.

(b)Equalisation every year Vs every five year presently given.


(c)Method of fixing OROP.  Maximum Vs average of maximum and minimum.

(d)Admissibility of OROP for PMR in future.

  1. None of the above core anomalies have been included in the TOR.  The perception in the environment is that the One Man Judicial Committee has been instituted to go into the above core anomalies.  The same has been reinforced due to your statements also made during various public meetings with the Veterans.
  2. The TOR presently given are of normal administrative nature which can be resolved at MOD level in consultation with the Service HQs.  There is no application of mind required at the level of Hon’ble Justice LN Reddy in these cases.  The application of mind is required only, if the core anomalies as stated above are addressed.  The visit of the One Man Judicial Committee to the various States/Stations commencing from 17 August 2016 will be infructuous if the core anomalies are not included in the TOR.
  3. On behalf of all the Veterans, I seek your personal indulgence to review the TOR of the One Man Judicial Commission and include the core anomalies in the TOR.


Lt Gen (Dr) Balbir Singh, PVSM, VSM**

President Indian Ex-Services League

Enclosures : Six only.

Copy to:-

Hon’ble Justice L N Reddy

Retired Chief Justice of Patna High Court

Head of Judicial Committee on OROP


Gen Dalbir Singh Suhag, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, VSM

Chief of the Army Staff and Patron IESL

Integrated HQ of Ministry of Defence (Army)

New Delhi-110011

Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha, PVSM, AVSM, VM, ADC

Chief of the Air Staff and Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee

and Patron IESL

Air Headquarters

Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi-110011

Admiral Sunil Lamba, PVSM, AVSM, ADC

Chief of The Naval Staff

Integrated Defence Staff HQs (Navy)

New Delhi-110011

Maj Gen Kapil Agarwal

Chairman VII Army Pay Commission Cell

Adjutant General’s Branch

Room No 1 ‘A’ Wing, Sena Bhawan

IHQ of MoD (Army)

DHQ PO New Delhi-110011

Letter tp Shri Manohar Parrikar , Hon’ble Defence Minister of India and Hon’ble Justice L N Reddy dt 08 Aug 2016

IESL353/OROP/201608August 2016

Shri Manohar Parrikar

Hon’ble Defence Minister of India

Government of India

Ministry of Defence

South Block, New Delhi-110011

  1. The MoD, DESW had issued orders to implement OROP for the Ex-servicemen with effect from 01 Jul 2014, detailed orders for which were issued on 03 Feb 2016.The complete Veteran fraternity is indeed obliged to the Government of the day for implementing OROP in it’s recent avatar. The OROP struggle for the Veteran community has been prolonged and persevering; the struggle had it’s share of positives and at times was denounced by the intellectuals. Veterans at times were appreciated for their determination but at the same time drew flak, which was adequately covered in the electronic and print media.
  2. It is prudent to mention that OROP has been granted to Defence Forces, primarily to cater for their truncated careers and because of this truncated career tend to draw Abrogated Pension. Today the 7th CPC has recommended and the Government has constituted a Committee on OROP for the Civilian Central Government Employees. It can be well appreciated that the Civilian Central Government Employees do serve till the Government stipulated superannuation age and tend to draw Mature Pension. While recommending the OROP model, the 7th CPC has not inserted any clause or sub clause for fixation of pension amounts,

neither have they restricted the admissibility. The Ex-servicemen community feels wronged as the struggle which they pioneered did not benefit them as much as it benefited the Civilian Central Government Employees.

  1. The MoD, DESW Vide letter No12(01)/2014-D(Pen/Pol)-Part-II dated 14 Dec 2015,  has constituted, a One Man Judicial Committee and has given certain Terms of Reference (ToR). The ToR given in the said notification restricts the scope of the Committee. The purview of this One Man Judicial Committee is restricted to the Measures for the removal of anomalies that may arise in implementation of OROP and any other matter referred by the Central Government on OROP. These ToR do not address any issue on the principles of OROP. The implementation of the altered definition and principles drawn thereof have resulted in evolution of several Cause of Concerns, but due to this abridged and restrictive ToR these cannot be addressed. Ironically the ToR given to the One Man Judicial Committee covers issues which are very mundane and could be addressed by the DESW under it’s sovereign authority.
  2. Recently, the MoD, DESW vide letter F.No1(4) 2016D(P/P) dated 20 Jul 2016 has notified certain references by the Central Government on OROP related issue. None of the major concerns of the Ex-servicemen find a mention i.e Max Vs Average Formulae, PMR, Periodicity of Equalisation and Future Enhancements. The One Man Judicial Committee, which was constituted on 14 Dec 2015, for a period of six months has been given an extension for another six months. Since it’s constitution the Judicial Committee has heard the Veterans only twice and on each occasion expressed his inability to deviate from the stipulated ToR and it is evidently seen that there would be no change in the scheme other than certain superficial amendments. As per the inputs on the MoD, DESW info portal, Justice L Narshima Reddy,the Head of One Man Judicial Committee is planning to visit various stations all over the country and the aim of the visit presumably is to gather first hand information on the grievances of the Ex-servicemen on the OROP scheme.
  1. It is humbly requested to enhance the scope of ToR, to enable the One Man Judicial Committee to resolve major concerns of the Ex-servicemen. The efforts of the Government and the One Man Judicial Committee will be fruitful, provided scope of ToR is widened.


Lt Gen (Dr) Balbir Singh, PVSM,VSM**

President Indian Ex-Services League