1. The following were present (all retired):-

(a) Office Bearers

(i) Brig Kartar Singh – President in Chair.

(ii) Dfr Animesh Ghosh – Sr Vice President.

(iii) Sub SD Sharma – Vice President.

(iv) Brig Inder Mohan – Vice President.

(iv) Col Akhil Sharma – Hony Treasurer.
(b) Nominated Vice President

(i) Nk Dalbir Singh Bhatyal – J&K.

(ii) Brig Anandakuttan – Kerala

(c) Executive Committee Members

(i) Col Bhag Singh, VSM – Punjab

(ii) Lt Col DS Salaria – J&K

(iii) Maj Padam Singh Verma – President

(iv) Lt Col CJ Ranade – MAH

(v) Brig BP Patnaik – Odisha

(d) Officials

(i) Col KS Yadav, SM – Gen Secy

(ii) Hony Capt Ratan Singh – Head Clerk

(e) Special Invitee

(i) Lt Gen V Chaturvedi, PVSM, AVSM, SM.

(ii) Vice Admiral Paras Nath, AVSM, VSM.

(iii) AVM RP Mishra.

(iv) Maj Mohan Kumar, Legal Advisor.

Preliminary Proceedings

3. Welcome Address. The President welcomed the Executive Committee Members and explained the reasons for calling of Executive Committee viz to decide the decision to be taken on agenda points in Governing Council meeting. The President read out the main agenda points:-

(a) Amdts to IESL Bye Laws and Constitution with regard to tenure of Office Bearers pre-election cutoff date from 180 days to 45 to 60 days. The President said that a Committee will be constituted to study the Bye Laws and constitution to recommend the amdts.
(b) Installation of lift. The President said that lift will be installed before next Governing Council Meeting.
(c) Construction of Building. The President informed the house about the involvement of two agencies for sanction i.e. L&DO & NDMC and attraction of penalty from NDMC also, we will have to get the sanction to construct fourth floor which is not permissible in this area and therefore not recommended. However, a shed will be erected on third floor in front of RCEL Room. Col Bhag Singh, President Punjab said that we have contributed sufficiently and therefore, Jawans accommodation can be constructed in rear of the plot on employee’s accommodation. The President said that keeping in mind the percentage of occupancy rate of available accommodation, construction of building is not beneficial. The point was discussed in detail in last many meetings and dropped.
(d) The President informed the house that we got two vehicles. The old veh cannot run in NCR region therefore if any one wish to purchase and make good use of old veh, the reserve price of the veh is Rs 2.00 lacs.

4. Col Bhag Singh, President Punjab inquired about the RCEL grant and ban on reception of foreign currency. Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL informed the house that we have already contacted the agency for FCRA certificate and we will apply soon for the same.

5. Approval of Income/Expenditure and Budget Estimate for Next Financial Year. The State of income and expenditure and budget estimate for next financial year was perused by the EC members. There being no observation from the members the same were passed. However the following points were discussed and passed:-

(a) Payment of fee to CA from Rs 25000/- to Rs 30000/-.

(b) Expenditure on election.

(c) Increase of employees Pay by 7%. Col Bhag Singh said that salary of employees was also increased before election. Brig Kartar Singh, President IESL said that from last two years no salaries have been hiked, however conveyance allowance was granted as per Govt (MOD) letter. Office Supdt was asked to produce the EC Minutes in which the conveyance allowance was increased. Office Supdt produced the Minutes and the house was satisfied and agreed for increase of 7% salary (equal to current DA) of the employees.

(d) Modification of Office of staff including fixing of AC’s and repairing, painting and denting of building, the point was discussed and approved by the house. Sr Vice President will prepare the stimates and plan by 30 Jun 2018.

15. There being no further points the meeting was concluded as closed with vote of thanks to the Chair and all present, proposed by Dfr Animesh Ghosh, Sr Vice President seconded by Lt Col DS Salaria and passed by the House.

(KS Yadav)
Col (Retd)
General Secretary