Indian Ex-Services League is the apex Inter Services of Ex-Servicemen of the Read more… |
Aims & Objectives
To assist Ex-Servicemen and their dependents in matters relating to pensions Read more… |
News Letter
The Editorial Board of Indian Ex-Services League publishes a Bi-monthly Magazine Read more… |
The League was instrumental in getting the following benefits Read more… |
“They shall not grow old as
We that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them
Nor the future condemn;
At the going down of the
Sun And in the morning
We will remember them.”
All Ex-Servicemen who have not been released on disciplinary grounds are entitled to become life members of the League by paying one time more… |
Donations / Contributions
Our members and other philanthropists (Organisations and individuals) are encouraged to donate to IESL for Veer Naries and their dependents. You may remit the amount
Canara Bank Branch Name: Diplomatic Enclave
Account Holder Name: Indian Ex-Servicemen League
Account No: 0157101004278
IFSC: CNRB0000157
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